Foire au Questions

What is ?

- is an online Instagram hack application that allows you to get the victims' Instagram email address and password.

How to use Insta hacker ?

- Simply enter the victim's username (ID) in the field where it is requested and start the hacking process.

How to get an Instagram user ID ?

- Start by visiting the profile using a browser (NOT the Instagram app). Search for the account and copy the last part of the URL. e.g. is an address where "jon" is the username.

Does this really work ?

- This tool works like magic! And you do not need to pay a single dollar!

Is it legal ?

- Our system infiltrates other people's private life's and hacks into someone's account, which is ILLEGAL. However, do not worry, we use multiple VPN servers. In this way, we guarantee total anonymity, the best security and quality service.

Is it Free ?

- Our services are totally free. We want to improve our programming skills. We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our networking skills and this platform allows us to test the quality of our services while making you happy. Do not hesitate to tell your friends.